Safe the small and medium enterprises (Salvemos las Pymes)

Currently Argentina is in lockdown mode due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Commercial premises hence cannot open, which leads consequently to a lack of income needed to pay fixed costs such as rent, salaries, services, taxes, etc. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) find themselves in a very challenging environment and try to survive. 

Together with Juan Pablo Paradelo we have launched the internet platform Salvemos las Pymes, which can be best translated with: Safe the SMEs! This is a non profit project and invites SMEs to upload their vouchers and sales incentives for the future to our website. Consumers can buy these vouchers now and therefore help the SMEs to generate an income flow that will allow them to face the current fix costs. Once the quarantine is over the consumer can cash in his voucher. A simple and effective way to help each other. Please visit our site and support our idea by sharing it.


Read what the press has to say (content spanish only)

United Nations Development Programme \ Telefe \ Clarin \ Telam \ Telam \ Cronista \ Magazine Mercado \ A24 \ Info Negocios \ La Politica Online \ Ambito

Salvemos las Pymes was as well featured in the Proposito podcast: here